Sight Words & NERF Guns

Kinesthetic Literacy and Math Preschool Lesson Plan
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There's nothing like hands on learning for your active preschoolers! Check out this amazing exercise from Christina over at The Only Thing PINK in a World Gone BLUE. Pulling from her kiddos' fascination with and love of NERF guns, she decided to incorporate the toys into their learning exercises and it was a hit!

Creating various spelling word targets, Christina started by reading one of the words in a sentence or providing the word's definition, then invited her kiddos to identify and shoot the correct target. We think this activity would also work great for practicing/reviewing...

  • Sight words
  • Letter or numeral recognition
  • Math facts
  • Shapes
  • Colors
  • Beginning letter sounds
  • Etcetera!

To see how Christina assembled the targets - and for other fantastic learning activities - be sure to visit The Only Thing PINK in a World Gone BLUE!

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