Real Life Heroes

Children need heroes. Whether imagined or real, heroes make children believe that anything is possible. They offer hope and inspire children to look at the world as full of opportunities rather than just a place to exist. Children set heroes apart, recognizing that they are to be looked up to and respected.

Superman. Batman. Harry Potter. Often, younger children tend to cling to the heroes they encounter in fiction. Of course this is natural and can be beneficial as they teach children to choose right over wrong, that being different is special, and the merit of bravery and courage. But as children mature, little by little, they lose the awe inspired by these fictitious characters and begin to search for real life heroes they can emulate. As a teacher, you have a great opportunity to point children in the right direction. Firefighters. Police Officers. Teachers. Doctors. Nurses. Parents. All of these real life heroes work every day to keep our communities safe and shape our future. Invite your students to discuss what makes someone a hero including important qualities, beliefs, and behavior. provides a wonderful lesson about winter Olympians Lindsey Vonn, Shani Davis, Shaun White, and Evan Lysacek, that focuses, not only on their athletic success, but how they have inspired many through their hard work and perseverance.

Children need heroes. In our world that can sometimes get it wrong, you have the power to teach your students what a true hero looks like.

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