Paint Bag Writing

Handwriting Preschool Lesson Plan
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In the wake of Kristina's fantastic name writing activities, we were perusing Pinterest for some more great ideas and stumbled across this activity from Amy over at Let's Explore. What preschooler doesn't like finger painting? And what teacher won't appreciate the non-messy application?!

Supplies You'll Need

  • Gallon Ziploc bag
  • Finger or tempera paint
  • Duct tape
  • Q-tips, unsharpened pencils, and other blunt tipped writing tools

Use the duct tape to tape all sides of the bag to the table, then let your kiddos have at it, using q-tips, their finger, the eraser side of a pencil, etc. to practice writing their names!

For the details of this fabulous name writing activity and a lot of other great learning ideas, be sure to visit Let's Explore!

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