Nursery Rhyme Boxes - Exploring Mother Goose

Little Miss Muffet Book CoverNursery rhymes and fairy tales are often staples in preschool literature. If you're planning to study Mother Goose any time soon, here's a fantastic idea we found at The Virtual Vine for introducing and learning about nursery rhymes in the classroom. Try creating a nursery rhyme box!

The Box

First, you'll need to find a suitable container. Consider one of the following that can be easily decorated and stored.

  • Powdered laundry detergent box with handle
  • Shoebox
  • Plastic storage container

Next, fill the box with props that will help you introduce the rhyme to your kiddos. For instance, if studying Little Miss Muffet, create or purchase a puppet of Miss. Muffet {consider using Nursery Rhymes Puppets, Patterns & Props}, include a bowl and spoon, and add in a plastic spider. Also, be sure to include a poster of the rhyme and individual rhyme cards in each discovery box to help students to follow along as you tell the story!

For more great ideas for your Mother Goose/nursery rhyme unit, be sure to check out the rest of the resources at The Virtual Vine!

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