Making Paint in Preschool

One thing that's nice about making your own art supplies is that you can involve your students in the process. Not only does it provide an extra 'craft' for a rainy day, your children will be excited to use these materials in later projects because they've created them!

Sherry and Donna of Irresistible Ideas share their experience making watercolor paints with their preschoolers. If you're not afraid of a little mess, your students are sure to have a blast with this one! Watercolor Paint Recipe
- 1 tablespoons cornstarch
- 1 tablespoons baking soda
- 1 tablespoons vinegar
- Food coloring or grated chalk for powdered coloring

Provide students with empty (and well cleaned) baby food jars. Instruct them to start by mixing the cornstarch, baking soda, and vinegar, stirring them until smooth. Then add food coloring to desired shade! Sherry and Donna, while helping their students along, also made a recipe board with pictures and simple instructions for their students to follow. A super easy 'craft' that promotes literacy, math and measuring, color theory, and so much more!

Irresistible Ideas for play based learning » Blog Archive » making our own paint magic

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