Interactive Classroom Rules Class Book with Sticky Notes!

Back To School Kindergarten Lesson Plan As you talk about classroom rules with your new kinders, take the discussion a step further by inviting your students to think about what the rules actually look like in the classroom setting. This can be done in a number of ways, but we love this fun class book that's made with sticky notes! Simply create a page for each of your classroom rules, then assign each of your students a page as well as provide them with a sticky note. On their sticky note, have them think about how they can "stick" to the rules this school year and draw an application of the rule! For example, to go along with the rule, "Listening bodies. I will listen and follow directions", students might draw a picture of themselves putting their center work away when the teacher calls for them to clean up.

A simple black and white word processing document printed onto colorful paper and completed with vibrant sticky notes really packs a punch, so this activity is pretty easy to put together and is sure to be a hit with your new kinders!

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