Easter Themed Word Work Center

Easter Literacy and Spelling Kindergarten Lesson Plan
Photo Source: pattonspatch.blogspot.com

We realize that the original scope of this word work center from Mrs. Patton, kindergarten teacher and creator of Mrs. Patton's Patch, was probably not strictly geared for Easter - but the word cards {or "Spellominoes"} looked so darn much like Easter eggs that we had to feature it leading up to the holiday! :] The concept is quite brilliant...

Like various games played with dominoes, students are invited to line the 'spellominoes' up, partnering the letters/word chunks on each piece to create a word {see photo above or example below}.

Easter Literacy Kindergarten Lesson Plan

This is such a fun, low pressure way of providing your kiddos with reading practice! So long worksheets ~ hello Spellominoes!

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