Christmas Positional Words Activity

Christmas Vocabulary and Positional Words Preschool Printable
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When looking for new worksheets to feature, we always check out our favorite haunts because they're constantly coming up with amazing concepts/printables. In our hunt for Christmas themed printables, we ended up at 1+1+1=1 and found a wealth of awesome activities! We especially loved Carisa's positional word activity.

Beside. Next to. On. As your kiddos work to find where the present is in relation to the Christmas tree on each page of Carisa's adorable emergent reader, they will begin to make connections, building vocabulary and committing these new positional words to memory.

[Challenge/Extension: After a bit of practice, you might consider covering up the positional words, providing your students with a word bank or word stickers to match to the correct picture.]

Be sure to head on over to 1+1+1=1 for this and other awesome printables!

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