Colorful Fall Tree Craft - Fun with 'Leaf Glitter'!

Fall and Autumn Craft for Kids
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This project from Full Circle is so cool and something we would never in a million years have thought to do! While we absolutely love the traditional autumn tree craft, here's a fabulous tutorial for 'spicing it up' a little with actual fall leaves that have been crumbled to create leaf 'glitter' or 'confetti'!

Besides the colorful natural elements, there are so many other great things going on with this project...

  • Crumbling the leaves is a fantastic fine motor builder for little hands.
  • Also great for fine motor skills, the first step for creating the tree involves the use of an eye dropper.
  • The second step in creating the tree involves blowing the lines of ink with a drinking straw. This is fabulous for strengthening the small mouth muscles important to speech development. Plus, what child doesn't like 'breaking the rules' with drinking straws!

For this fantastic craft tutorial, be sure to visit Full Circle! We know your students will have a blast with it!

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